Saturday, August 27, 2011

My Achilles Heel is Kids Party Food

Here in New Zealand, almost every kids party held in someone's home will include some or all of the following:
Fairy Bread
Savouries (or party pies over the ditch)
Kiwi Onion Soup and Reduced Cream Dip
Potato Chips
Corn Chips
Cupcakes, slices and biscuit

I love party food!

For all of my currently displayed motivation, I faced my biggest challenge so far today going to a kids party with my bevy of boys.

I start innocuously enough thinking that a couple of corn chips and salsa might be okay.

Really this opened the floodgates for the rest of the afternoon and by the end, I had enjoyed two savories, several cheerios dipped in salsa, a ham sandwich, a small slice of chocolate peppermint slice, a few swigs of grape fizzy and of course, the cornchips and salsa and chips and dip. Oh and chocolate Birthday Cake ...

Soooooo good at the time, but more sugar than I have had for weeks and so now I am suffering a combination of headache and thick throat. I can't tell if my throat is trying to swallow down the food or my disappointment at myself.

I am choosing to pick myself up and keep going. Tonight I will have an egg and some salad for tea.

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