On the phone to Mum the other night, I was saying that I fit back into a pair of pants that were too tight for me before I started this journey.
Her (helpful mum) response was "That's great. You need to throw out the clothes you don't fit anymore. Just throw into a clothing bin on your way past. Start doing it now and it will be one less thing to sort out".
My immediate reaction was "NOOOOOOOO ......."
I'm just not ready to let go of my biggest fat clothes, so what is that about?
Infact, I'd go so far as to say that my fat clothes make me feel better at the moment.
I like that they are too big on me now. I don't want to go down to clothes that might feel fitted <read tight here>.
But what if I need them again?
So part of me is still not convinced this is a forever journey, and ready to slide right back to my old size. I talked to my girlfriend on a similar journey and she feels the same way. No clothes are leaving her wardrobe yet either.
I am learning that my internal voice is anything from an echo of my past to a comment on my fears or even worse: my shame, so I know that the internal voice telling me to keep the clothes is not helpful or wanting the best for me.
"Thanks for sharing inner voice, Now I will take time to decide what I actually want".
I really want to recover from Diabetes. I really want to be a healthy size and live a healthy life.
I have dropped a dress-size already but I still haven't thrown any clothes out, but I am well aware of the conversation going on inside my head. And now that I have awareness around it, I can change it.
I'll let you know when I get my head in the right space around this. Wish me luck.
Image: luigi diamanti / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
chuck them!!!!!
ReplyDeletebtw Hi it's Amelia :-) Been reading your blog and I think it's fantastic what you are doing!
Chuck them- when you are ready of course but do do it :-) It kind of gets rid of getting bigger again as an option. Keep a pair of pants or a top, to remind yourself of how far you've come too. that's my thinking anyway, but of course don't do it til you're ready. When you are, chucking those bags of clothes in the bin will feel AMAZING!